
Perceptual Map: Soft Drink Brands

While I am not a soda drinker, I have worked in restaurants and have seen how common it is for customers to ask, "Do you have coke or pepsi products?" Typically, the major brands own many different varieties of beverages (ex: Coke owns Sprite and Pepsi owns Sierra Mist), but I wondered how this could potentially impact or alter the market. Therefore, I decided to use the following 4 factors for this assignment: Price, Brand Image, Variety in Offerings, and Quality/Taste. Exhibit 1 shows the factors and the associated rating for each Brand. I then created 3 different perceptual maps, in an attempt to gather increased insight into the soft drink industry. Exhibit 2 is a perceptual map that graphs soft drink Price vs. Brand Image. I thought it would be interesting to visualize if customers are willing to pay more because of the name printed on their soda bottle. I believe the map is accurate in placing redbull in the top right hand corner, indicating that RedBull drinkers w